
7 thoughts on “daredevil”

  1. These are my Go to any time of day!! Love to spin them or jig!! One hell of a spoon. There a lot of imitations but Nothing and I mean Nothing Compares to Daredevil!! Absolutely the Best!!!

  2. Hard to beat a daredeveil spoon. Everyone i know growing up had at least one classic red/white or 5 of diamonds in their tackle box. Even better was that it was a local Michigan company. Pretty awesome!

  3. The daredevil lures have worked amazingly for me especially for Northern Pike they strike very aggressively and very rarely get off the lure hands down the best spoon out there

  4. #1 lure in my book. Versatility for any occasion from jigging deep to over the tops of weeds. The variety of shapes, sizes, and colors means I can fish Eppinger anywhere any time and be the fisherman with all the LUCK!


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